How is BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. licensed to provide services in Minnesota?
BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. operates under a 245D license through Minnesota's Department of Human Services.
Where does BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. offer services?
BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. serves all counties in the Twin Cities metro area.
How does BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. define a high standard of care?
We believe that a high standard of care means we follow through on our promises. This starts with recruiting and maintaining qualified team members who share our core values. With that foundation in place, the services we provide are personalized for every individual, rooted in our mission to foster independence through the use of person-centered services.
How does BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. keep staff trained to maintain a high standard of care?
All staff at BridgeWay To Independence, Inc. are trained to meet all standards as outlined by the Department of Human Services. Staff is also provided training in equity, cultural competence, the Americans with Disabilities Act, interpersonal communication, and other relevant professional development opportunities.